Blog Description

The Reset Button with hosts berdalee and Purple Hazel airs on KGGV every Friday from Noon to 2:00 p.m.

Each Friday's show is rebroadcast the following Monday night from 10 p.m. - midnight.

Paradigm shift - is it time to hit the Reset Button?

Here on the blog you'll find offerings of spiritual technologies to support you in staying present and grounded as we move through the energies of these changing times, as well as resources for discovering more about themes we discuss on the show, and information about the hosts. Thanks for tuning in.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Loving Awareness - from Ram Dass

I Am Loving Awareness

I have a practice in which I say to myself, I am loving awareness. To begin, I focus my attention in the middle of my chest, on the heart-mind. I may take a few deep breaths into my diaphragm. . . . I breathe in love and breathe out love. I watch all the thoughts that create the stuff of my mind, and I love everything . . . everything I can be aware of. I just love, just love, just love.

I love you. No matter how rotten you are, I love you because you are part of the manifestation of God. In that heart-mind I'm not Richard Alpert, I'm not Ram Dass -- those are both roles. I look at those roles from that deeper "I." In the heart-mind I'm not identified with my roles. They're like costumes or uniforms hanging in a closet. "I am a reader," "I am a father," "I am a yogi," "I am a man," "I am a driver" -- those are all roles.

All I am is loving awareness. I am loving awareness. It means that wherever I look, anything that touches my awareness will be loved by me. That loving awareness is the most fundamental "I." Loving awareness witnesses the incarnation from a plane of consciousness different from the plane that we live on as egos, though it completely contains and interpenetrates everyday experience.

When I wake up in the morning, I'm aware of the air, the fan on my ceiling. I've got to love them. I am loving awareness. But if I'm an ego, I'm judging everything as it relates to my own survival. The air might give me a cold that will turn into pneumonia. I'm always afraid of something in the world that I have to defend myself against. If I'm identified with my ego, the ego is frightened silly, because the ego knows that it's going to end at death. But if I merge with love, there's nothing to be afraid of. Love neutralizes fear. . . .

Thoughts are terribly seductive, but you don't have to identify with them. You identify not with the thoughts, but with the awareness of the thoughts. To bring loving awareness to everything you turn your awareness to is to be love. This moment in love. I am loving awareness.

If you put out love, then you immerse yourself in the sea of love. You don't put out love in order to get back love. It's not a transaction. You just become a beacon of love for those around you. . . .

Try using I am loving awareness to become aware of your thought forms and to practice not identifying with them. Then you can identify with your soul, not your fears and anxieties. Once you identify with your spiritual being, you can't help but be love.

It's simple. I start with the fact that I'm aware, and then I love everything. But that's all in the mind, that's a thought, and loving awareness is not a thought. Or if it's a thought, it's pointing to a place that's not a thought. It's pointing at a state of being the way the concept of emptiness is pointing at emptiness, which is really fullness.

Souls love. That's what souls do. Egos don't, but souls do. Become a soul. Look around, and you'll be amazed -- all the beings around you are souls. Be one, see one.

When many people have this heart connection, then we will know that we are all one, we human beings all over the planet. We will be one. One love.

And don't leave out the animals, and trees, and clouds, and galaxies -- it's all one. It's one energy. It comes through in individual ways, but it's one energy. You can call it energy, or you can call it love. I like to look at a tree and see that it's love. Don't you? - RAM DASS

Dimensional Shift Visualization Exercise from Bashar

Imagine, visualize, an equilateral triangle of any size, against any color. Sit with it a moment, appreciate its geometry, the material it may be made out of, the appearance it may have, whether sitting or floating, opaque or transparent, doesn’t matter.
Allow the picture in your mind to push itself into a three-dimensional pyramid, a tetrahedron, a three sided pyramid - four sided, really, if you include the bottom. See it there in your mind’s eye as you change it from a flat triangle to a three-dimensional tetrahedral pyramid, it can be floating or sitting, doesn’t matter, but just know that you are changing it. Sit with it, appreciate it. Get a sense of the difference between the vibrations of the two objects... And you even can go back and forth if you wish, from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional and back again, just play with it, back and forth, flat and solid, back and forth.
Now let that image fade... And in its place, allow your minds eye to imagine, picture, visualize a flat square. Just look at it, like you did with the triangle. A square, can be looking straight at it or at an angle, it doesn’t matter, just know its a square. And as you allow yourself to play with that image and appreciate that image, allow your imagination to push it into a cube, a 3-dimensional cube. See it expand into a cube... One square face becomes six. Let it rotate around, appreciate it, its color, shape, material. And again if you with you can go back and forth - square, cube, square, cube, - knowing you are making the transition between 2 dimensions and three dimensions.
Now allow that image to fade, and imagine, if you will, a circle. A flat circle. Again however you wish to picture it - size, color, material. Appreciate it, look at it. If any of your other senses engage with it, allow them to do so. And as you are feeling your relationship with the flat circle, then allow your minds eye to push it into a sphere. See it hanging before you, in whatever manner it wants to present itself... The important thing is that allow yourself to really see the transition between the flat circle and the sphere, back and forth, back and forth.
Now allow this image to fade, and picture a flat spiral flying, either spiraling out from the center, or from the outside spiraling in. Two turns, three turns, doesn’t matter, just a flat spiral. Appreciate it, feel it, relate to has a particular sensation associated with it, a particular vibration associated with it. And as you see the flat spiral, allow your mind’s eye to pull it into an elongated spring, so it is a spiral going upward, stretch it out like a spring. Feel the springyness of it as you do so. Feel the difference between the flat spiral and the spring as you visualize, back and forth, back and forth... it in whatever way, at whatever rate, it pleases you to do so... flat to stretch, flat to stretch.
Now allow yourself to picture the first four objects - the flat triangle, the flat square, the flat circle, the flat spiral, picture them all sitting near each other in some way, whether you have to turn to look at them in different directions. or see them all at once. Just picture the flat versions of all these things. Then see them ALL extending into their 3-d versions.... back and forth, stretch and flat, like a little dance, expand and shrink. All four things, simultaneously or one after another, doesn’t matter as long as they are all included.
As you see these object going from flat to expanded, expanded to flat, allow yourself to imagine that you are also in the middle of them, that you are a fifth object and you see yourself in your reality, but you also see yourself expanding beyond yourself to a larger self, a spirit self, going back and forth, in the same way as these objects are going back and forth... from your physical reality to higher level dimensional reality where you can see a big picture of everything, and back down to a physical point of view, and back to an expanded point of view, however you wish to depict that in your imagination is completely up to you, but do it at the same time and in the same way that the other objects are contracting and expanding, you are also contracting and expanding, AND you are also at the same contracted and expanded. So that you now begin to see in your imagination that the flat things and the expanded things are all there at the same time, coexisting, all there at once, they are all their own distinct and discreet shapes, and they are all interconnected. And they are all interconnected in you, at the center of your consciousness. In the center of your brain. It is as if they are all projected outward from the center of your head, projected outward into manifestation, into perception, into materiality. And then they all collapse back again into your head, and then they all project outward again, and then back into your head. Flat and expanded, flat and expanded. In whatever way your imagination is experiencing what I am describing, let it do so, and know that while you are imagining this, that you are stretching that portion of your personality, that you are actually changing and transforming and rewiring the neurology of your brain to be highly capable of being more sensitive to different levels, different frequencies, different dimensions of reality, different dimensions of experience.
Let that settle within you...Take a deep breath in, and let it out, with that same kind of contractive and expansive feeling... Take a deep breath in and let it out... Take one more breath in and hold it..... and feel the idea walking into you and changing your neurology.... and let it out.
Every time you do this you will become more conducive to creating more links and bridges into other dimensions and making space-time more slippery.
Do it no more than 3 times a day... notice the effect...